Electro-Magnetic Fields

In the video below I discuss  the hazards of electro-magnetic fields for Alzheimers systems. The hazards of EMF exposure are predicted to increase the prevalence of Alzheimers and increase the severity of persons currently afflicted.

As suggested in my presentation, register for the Electro-Magnetic Fields Summit to be held October 3rd through 6th. I just registered myself.  It is free to watch and promises to offer options to reduce our exposure to the variety of EMF hazards we confront (cell phones, WIFI, smart meters, etc.). Presenters will discuss the hazards of EMFs and also their impact on neurological conditions such as Alzheimers.

Click the link below to register for the virtual Summit, then attend for free.

EMF Registration Link  

Alzheimers Research on Electro-Magnetic fields 

Posted below are two recent studies that report on the hazards of EMF exposure with regard to Alzheimers. The prediction is a rapid increase in early onset Alzheimers because of EMF exposures.

The origin of EMFs originates from natural and human made sources. Here is a preview of both.

Natural Sources of Electro-Magnetic Fields

  1. Cosmic Rays: High-energy particles from outer space.
  2. Solar Radiation: EMFs emitted by the sun, including ultraviolet and visible light.
  3. Earth’s Magnetic Field: The geomagnetic field generated by the Earth’s core.
  4. Thunderstorms: Lightning generates electromagnetic fields.
  5. Geological Activity: Natural phenomena like earthquakes can produce EMFs.

Man-Made Sources of Electro-Magnetic Fields

  1. Power Lines: High-voltage transmission lines and substations.
  2. Electrical Appliances: Devices like microwaves, toasters and hair dryers.
  3. Cell Phones: Emit radio frequency radiation during use.
  4. Wi-Fi Routers: Produce radio frequency fields for wireless internet.
  5. Bluetooth Devices: Low-power RF signals for short-range communication.
  6. Radio and TV Broadcasting: Emit EMFs in the radio frequency range.
  7. Industrial Equipment: Machinery and tools in factories can produce EMFs.
  8. Medical Equipment: MRI machines, X-ray machines, and other diagnostic tools.
  9. Electric Vehicles: Charging stations and onboard electronics generate EMFs.
  10. Electric Trains and Subways: High voltage systems create significant EMFs.

Both natural and man-made sources contribute to the electromagnetic environment we experience. The harmful effects of exposure slowly cumulate over time. Most people are unaware of the dangers involved until it is too late.

Research on EMFs and Alzheimers

Curr Alzheimer Res. 2022;19(2):119-132. Low Intensity Electromagnetic Fields Act via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation to Cause Very Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: 18 Distinct Types of Evidence

Electronically generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs), including those used in wireless communication such as cell phones, Wi-Fi and smart meters, are coherent, producing very high electric and magnetic forces, which act on the voltage sensor of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce increases in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i.

The calcium hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has shown that each of the important AD-specific and nonspecific causal elements is produced by excessive [Ca2+]i. It acts in AD via excessive calcium signaling and the peroxynitrite/oxidative stress/inflammation pathway, which are each elevated by EMFs. An apparent vicious cycle in AD involves amyloid-beta protein (Aβ) and [Ca2+]i.

Three types of epidemiology suggest EMF causation of AD, including early onset Alzheimers. Extensive animal model studies show that low intensity EMFs cause neuro-degeneration, including AD, with AD animals having elevated levels of Aβ, amyloid precursor protein and BACE1. Rats exposed to pulsed EMFs every day are reported to develop universal or near universal very early onset neuro-degeneration, including AD; these findings are superficially similar to humans with digital dementia. EMFs producing modest increases in [Ca2+]i can also produce protective, therapeutic effects. The therapeutic pathway and peroxynitrite pathway inhibit each other.

A summary of 18 different findings is provided, which collectively provide powerful evidence for EMF causation of AD. The author is concerned that smarter, more highly pulsed “smart” wireless communication may cause widespread very, very early onset AD in human populations.


Med Hypotheses. 2019 Jun:127:76-83. Are rises in Electro-Magnetic Field in the human environment, interacting with multiple environmental pollutions, the tripping point for increases in neurological deaths in the Western World?

Whilst humans evolved in the earth’s Electro-Magnetic-Field (EMF) and sun-light, both being essential to life but too much sun and we burn. What happens if background EMF rise to critical levels, coinciding with increasing environmental pollutants? tThere have been profound changes in human morbidity across a range of disparate conditions – autoimmune diseases, asthma, earlier cancer incidence and reduced male sperm counts.

Multiple environmental pollutants are associated with neurological diseases.

The pace of increased neurological deaths far exceeds any Gompertzian explanation – that because people are living longer they are more likely to develop more age-related problems such as neurological disease. Using WHO global mortality categories of Neurological Disease Deaths (NDD) and Alzheimer’s and Dementia deaths (Alz), updated June 2018, together they constitute Total Neurological Mortality (TNM), to calculate mortality rates per million for people aged 55-74 and for the over-75’s in twenty-one Western countries. Recent increases in American people aged over-75’s rose 49% from 1989 to 2015 but US neurological deaths increased five-fold. In 1989 based on Age-Standardised-Deaths-Rates America USA was 17th at 324 pm but rising to 539 pm became second highest..

Based upon recent and new evidence we hypothesize that a major contribution for the relative sudden upsurge in neurological morbidity in the Western world (1989-2015), is because of increased background EMF that has become the tipping point-impacting upon any genetic predisposition, increasing multiple-interactive pollutants, such as rises in petro-chemicals, hormone disrupting chemicals, industrial, agricultural and domestic chemicals.

The unprecedented neurological death rates, all within just twenty-five years, demand a re-examination of long-term EMF safety related to the increasing background EMF on human health. We do not wish to ‘stop the modern world’, only make it safer.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2005
Alzheimers Recovery

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